These are all the Education initiatives, centers, and classes at Stanford PIT! You can also search, view all topics, or browse our classes.
Biodesign Fundamentals
MED 275B: Biodesign Fundamentals: MED 175B/275B is an introduction to the Biodesign process for health technology innovation. Students will work in teams to develop solutions to current unmet medical needs, starting with a deep dive into understanding and characterizing important unmet medical needs through disease research, competitive analysis, market research, and stakeholder analysis.
Child Development and New Technologies
EDUC 342: Child Development and New Technologies: Focus is on the experiences computing technologies afford children and how these experiences might influence development. Sociocultural theories of development as a conceptual framework for understanding how computing technologies interact with the social ecology of the child, and how children actively use technology to meet their own goals.…
Does Social Media Make Better Physicians?
EMED 123N: Does Social Media Make Better Physicians?: Scientific knowledge doubles every 90 days. This seminar will explore the best ways to use technology in medical education, with a focus on the application of social media as a key instructional tool.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education Technology Seminar
EDUC 295: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education Technology Seminar: The last several years have created significant challenges and opportunities in education; there has never been a more pressing and urgent need in our history to foster entrepreneurship in education by leveraging new technologies. This course will help you develop the skills and strategies necessary to…
Frosh Fellowship
Public Interest Technology Lab The PIT Lab Frosh Fellows program provides an opportunity to the broader frosh population to engage in the field of public interest technology (PIT).
In-Depth Fellowship
Stanford Effective Altruism Stanford EA is running the In-Depth Fellowship to engage students already familiar with EA concepts with some of the deeper questions relevant for systematically doing as much as possible.
Volunteer with SBSE and StreetCode
Society of Black Scientists and Engineers Support minority youth in a fun, low-stress environment where you can help with coding courses and even grow your own skills by teaching how to code. This opportunity is with StreetCode and they have been working to provide free coding classes to youth that may not otherwise get the…
WiCS Outreach Team
Stanford Women in CS Stanford WOW is an educational outreach program designed for high school students from underserved communities in the Bay Area. The goal of the program is to increase access to CS education for those who are underrepresented in STEM. Stanford students can serve as volunteers with the program, where they will help…
Photography by: Charlie Russo